Removes pet stains and soils from carpet with patented odour control technology.
709mL, 2X concentrated
Patented odour control technology
Suitable for models: 3670F, 3672H, 3631F, 3636P, 3636F, 3637T, 33862, 3386H, 1558X, 1558H, 2222F, 37E3G, 1190G, 1190F, 64P8F, 48F3G, 2069H, 2771B, 2457P, 2457H, 2066F, 53W1F, 2889F, 3112F, 1858F, 1858T, 20W7F, 14U6F, 39Q6F, 1970F, 2080F, 3278F, 1456F, 1456G, 1456H, 1466F, 25M1F, 57G7F, 83V5F, 1694F, 1623F, 2009F, 20095, 15582 & 2571F
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